The family card in Reunion for Mac 9 displays a wealth of information about a family group. Part of the family card is a section called the view. It is below the names of the parents and above the children. The view section is dynamic.
You can alter, add, and remove fields from views. Altering views will be demonstrated in the second video in this series. You can select from any one of seven different views that come with Reunion or to views of your own creation. Creating your own view will be covered in the third video in this series.
In this video from the MacGenealogist Archives: Views in Genealogy Software Reunion 9 for Mac: Switching Views, I walk you through:
- two ways to switch views
- the seven built-in views
Please open Reunion 9 on your Mac and follow along with the video screencast. You’ll learn the basics of views in preparation for the other videos in the series: Altering Views and Creating Views.
Ben, I am using Reunion 9.07 and only have 5 alternate views : Default, Misc., User, General and LDS. Any helpful hints on how to get the other two???
Thanks, I'm learning so much and appreciate this site
When I first started doing research into my family tree, I opened folder using heading such as Births, Deaths etc. In the folder I filed the information under dates the occasion occurred on as follows: If the Birth occurred on January 11, 1940 the file name would begin with 1940 01 11. All subsequent earlier dates would appear in order after this date and, of course dates previous to this dated would also appear in order, low to high, before the January date.
Sorry, On my last comment, I forgot to add the the sentence – Can this format on dates – 1940 01 11 be used instead of Jan 11 1940?
You are doing such a great service. I look forward to your, very informative, videos.'Thank you.
Ben, you embarrass me once again ; )
I have used Reunion 9 for quite a while and only use 2 of the views, even though they are all available to me. Could you explain how you populate the “Reside” field? I assume that you use census information (and cite the census), or personal information to populate the “Reside” field.
Again, you are really helping us explore this great program in a very powerful way. Thanks again!
Laurie, I apologize. I was wrong when I said in the screencast that those two were standard. I created those views. I'll show you how in the third part of the series.
Thank you for the feedback Shirley! Let me know if there is anything in particular you'd like me to cover.
Thanks for the question Dwaine. Yes, the date preference in Reunion 9 can be changed to that format. I recorded a screencast last night that will show you how. See the article I published this morning titled “Date Format Secrets in Reunion 9.”
Warren, thank you for the feedback and the question! I'm happy to show you how to populate the “reside” field. I'll publish a video screencast on the subject on Saturday. Look for it then.
This is a wonderful site Ben and you are doing the genealogy world a great favor. I would like to eventually publish a family history book. Do you have suggestions as to which software to use and particularly some examples of layouts.
Thank you again for your great service.