How efficient are you at entering surnames and place names in genealogy software, Reunion 9 for Mac? Did you know you can enter even very long names in only one keystroke? You can with the ditto shortcut feature and a little help from me.
The help comes by way of this video from the MacGenealogist Archives, Using Ditto Shortcuts to Enter Surnames and Place Names in the Reunion for Macintosh Genealogy Software, in which I show you how to master this efficiency feature. I also share a couple gotchas, so you’ll want to watch this short video even if you already use ditto shortcuts.
What a wonderful tip, I had no idea. This will be a huge help.
Thanks again
I love your Reunion hints…had no idea how to do all the things you show, thanks
While the Command-' value isn't remembered between Reunion sessions, the last 2,000 value(s) entered are remembered as long as you have the Speed Names feature turned on, so in Ben's example if you wanted to use Ann Arbor, Washtenaw, Michigan, USA again, just starting to type
Ann A
will probably be more than enough to fill in the field with the whole string so your typing is still quite minimised. (I just wish that speed names could hold more than 10,000 values since I have one file with over 11,000 place names).