The context diagram in iFamily for Leopard can display a photo above each person. This is a great way to harness the face recognition part of your brain to make finding people quicker as well as add flavor. Storing photos of relatives in iFamily for Leopard is also a great way to organize them. You can even annotate them by using the transcribe feature as demonstrated in a previous screencast.
In this screencast I show you how to use iFamily for Leopard to:
- crop photos
- correct a discolored black and white photo
- select which photo appears in the context diagram for a given person
Please open iFamily for Leopard, play this video, Routine Photo Management in Mac Genealogy Software iFamily for Leopard, and follow along. After doing so you will have the knowledge and experience to move beyond just having photos. You’ll be ready to improve the quality of your family photos.
Thank you, Ben.
Good day Ben:
iFamily for Leopard is fabulous. It has to be the best genealogy programs available at such a reasonable price.
I realize Keith passed away unfortunately awhile ago. Can you tell me if someone has taken his place to keep this program alive? Thank you
I have viewed a couple of your videos and have found them very informative. Thank you again.
Hi, Ron. Keith’s son, Warwick is maintaining iFamily for Leopard now.