Don’t forget to cite the artifacts held by private parties, including yourself. Genealogy expert Elizabeth Shown Mills recommends a citation format for these in her book, “Evidence Explained:Citing History Sources from Artifacts to Cyberspace 2nd Edition”. Following her suggested full reference format helps you and other genealogists understand the provenance and find the owner of the artifact in the future. These are the fields recommended for the full reference citation of a privately held artifact:
- Item ID
- Artifact ID
- Creation Date
- Current or Last Known Owner
- Owner’s Location
- Year Owned
- Descriptive Detail
In this video I show you how to create the new source type (using the GenealogyTools Source Type Customization Process).
Drop the arrow clicking sounds and the red circles.
Thanks for that input Jeff.
Anyone else care to weigh in on the subject?
I disagree with Jeff. They are both ‘clues’ to what you are doing. Stuff doesn’t just happen magically.
I prefer the clicking sounds and, especially, the red circles. I’ve seen other “teaching” videos where it went so fast that you couldn’t tell where they clicked…very confusing. Keep up the great work! I am joining the membership list so I can be sure to get everything that is pertinent to my research (and that is a lot!).