How would you like to be able to view videos without having to open them from the Internet? Now you can! I just created the first volume of screencast CDs. It will be available for you to order in about a week. This means you can take informative screencasts with you wherever you go and view them even when you aren’t connected to the ‘net. If your connection is anything less than zippy, you’re going to love having these videos on CD.
There are 36 genealogy screencasts on this CD. That’s over 250 minutes of how-to video! One of these is an exclusive, bonus video. It will not be published to The only way to get this bonus screencast is to buy CD volume 1. By the way, I chose a subject that did not depend on which family history database application you use. The bonus screencast alone is worth the price of the CD!
I’m offering this CD for only $14.99 USD. That’s less than 42¢ per video!
Need more details? Okay, how about this list of the 36 instructional videos included on this CD:
- Creating a Genealogy Folder System on Your Mac, Part 1, My Family History Folder
- Creating a Genealogy Folder System on Your Mac, Part 2, Places
- Creating a Genealogy Folder System on Your Mac, Part 3, People
- Using Mac Finder Aliases for Genealogy Files, Part 1, People with Multiple Names
- Using Mac Finder Aliases for Genealogy Files, Part 2, Multiple People
- Using Mac Finder Aliases for Genealogy Files, Part 3, People and Places
- Using Mac Finder Aliases for Genealogy Files, Part 4, Placenames Through History
- Using Mac Finder Aliases for Genealogy Files, Part 5, Finding Alias Files and Folders
- Customizing Folder Icons
- How To Cite Misspelled Names-Reunion 9
- How To Clean Up Unlinked People in Reunion 9
- How To Clean Up Unconnected People in iFamily for Leopard
- Get More From
- A Better Way to Identify Unconnected People in iFamily for Leopard
- A Better Multimedia Browser
- Secrets to Restoring Family Photos with iPhoto
- Dealing with Bachelors and Spinsters in Reunion 9
- How to Simplify Navigating Direct Lines of Descent in Reunion 9
- Last Name First in Reunion 9
- How to Merge Data from One iFamily for Leopard Database to Another
- General Sources-Reunion 9
- Automatic Sources-Reunion 9
- Quickbar in Reunion 9
- Child and Parent Lists on the Reunion 9 Family Card
- Adding Perspective Event Sets to Reunion 9 Timelines
- Adding Perspective (Event Sets) to Ages
- Transcribing Scanned Images in iFamily for Leopard
- Virtual Tree in MacFamilyTree
- What’s New in iFamily for Leopard V2.463
- Web Page Links in Reunion 9 Text and Note Fields
- Substitute Events in Reunion 9
- Short Dates in Reunion 9 Charts
- How to Quickly, Accurately Enter Text in any Genealogy Software
- Date Formats in Reunion 9
- Populating the Reside Field in Reunion 9
- CD BONUS (It’s a surprise!)
Wow! I don’t know what else to tell you except, buy some for friends! Click on the advertisement in the sidebar to order yours.
Your CD is a great idea. I have followed several of your suggestions and having them on a CD will be easier to show my family who are also using Reunion.
It would be more helpful to me to have a CD of just Reunion screencasts and perhaps some general ones.
Bonnie, thank you for that feedback. I may do that for future volumes.
Thanks Sheila!
I admit my first thought was precisely what Bonnie had submitted. I have no thoughts of changing from Reunion; it is my software of choice.
I would suggest, however, that general topics to the Mac should be included in any software-specific CD.
Thanks for that Warren. I agree completely.
Love the CD. I much prefer the CD over downloading even though I have a high speed connection.
The screencasts are well organized and easy to understand. They offer many useful suggestions because there is so much to learn about Reunion.
More please. Maybe some with general Mac features, particularly if they can be used in genealogy. Your file organization is fantastic… and neat.
I've really enjoyed going thru the CD, there is so much information. Your presentation is so clear and detailed that even I can follow it. My only problem has come from trying to follow along with things that are impossible with my system as I'm dealing with OS X 10.3.9 and much of what you talk about is a step beyond. However what I've gotten has really enhanced what I'm able to do. And I thank you so much, it was well worth the price.
Ben, I've already received & played the first volume of your screencast video CD. The quality is excellent! Thanks so much for putting this together for us! The CD is perfect for Christmas gifts also! Couldn't come at a better time of year! I'll be looking forward to your next CD. Thanks!
I received your CD and have had some time to look at it. You asked me to comment on it, and specifically the bonus content.
Without revealing the secret, I can only say that it has no use to me. I don't use the service. I am sure that those who do will find it useful, but for me……
As for suggestions, I will go back to my observation earlier. I would suggest your CDs be software specific. I don't plan on switching away from Reunion, and although I might be interested in how, say, iFamily does something, it is only academic interest. I won't be switching, and if I did, I would get your iFamily series.
Of course even software specific CDs benefit from your Mac OS X helps. I see that you have a number of those in the CD and they are great!
Don't take me wrong; you are doing a GREAT service and I appreciate it. Your expertise has made me a better genealogist and a better Reunion user. I will continue to support you and your site, and to appreciate the hours you spend in the behalf of the community.
I received the CD today and have looked at some of the videos. Although I had downloaded the daily videos, this is much more convenient. Also there are more of them because I joined late. I believe all your labels indicate which genealogy program is involved. This is very helpful. Looks like I will have to get Reunion 9. Have been using Family Tree Maker since the days of Banner Blue and have had dozens of upgrades. Now that I also have the Mac, I got MacFamily, but it is a bit different.
On the surprise item – very interesting, but I have never bought anything that way as yet.
Thanks for the little round library!
Dell Egilson
Thanks for putting your podcasts on a CD. The quality of the podcast is so much better than what I was receiving over the Internet. Sometimes on the Internet, there are pauses and the image on the screen does not match the audio. It will be convenient to have the CD when the Internet is not available.
Only one suggestion — you might group all the Reunion in one file and all of the iFamily in another.
Your podcasts are really help, please continue and I look forward to the next CD
I must commend you on the quality of your presentation. You speak at a comfortable rate, your explanations are excellent and your voice is friendly. I must agree with previous comment on having software specific presentations. I think that you are doing the genealogy world a great service and I will support your efforts. Many thanks.
Many thanks for the CD. I have had a look at some of the movies which I hadn't seen on your site and I am impressed by the general quality. I like the ability to size the QuickTime window to suit rather than the set size or full-screen as on the site. I also like the little gems about Mac OS and the desktop etc. I'm not sure that doing different CDs for each of the programs is feasible until you have a larger selection of tips. I wouldn't mind having items about software I don't use because the price s so good.