I sat down this morning to record a screencast covering the visible changes introduced in the recent 5.4 release of the Mac genealogy software from Synium. Upon launching the MacFamilyTree, I discovered that there’s been another point release. Version 5.4.1 is now available. The Software Update window lists these items as the changes:
- Kinship Report expanded by two generations
- Additional Names are now shown in the Person Report
- Fixes in the Family Assistant
- Dutch localization added
- Fixes for other localizations
- Many general bug fixes and stability improvements
My download just completed, so I can get back to making the walk-through video.
Ben, Your possible help please.
I have the latest Version 4 Public Beta (5528.16) of Safari on my IMac OSX version 10.5.6 running but it does not bring up the images of common censuses or BMD records at all that the previous (non-beta) version did so well. I also have Safari version 3.2.1 running on my eMac OSX 10.4.11 and the identical images display at the same time (computers side by side) with no problem. How can I let the programers know about these problems so that they can fix them? The feedback spot for the Version 4 Public Beta does not provide for comments or detail!! Astonishing, and I am frustrated.
Hi, Richard. In the upper-right corner of the Safari 4 window is a
button labeled with an ant-like bug. Click that to submit defect
Good luck!