Synium has released version 5.3.7 of its Mac genealogy software. Here’s what’s changed according to the publisher:
- Full English user guide added
- Fixes and many performance enhancements in the Virtual Tree
- Minor bug fixes and other minor improvements
The most significant of the changes is the replacement of the spartan MacFamilyTree Version 5.3 User Guide with a new MacFamilyTree 5 Manual. The previous document consisted primarily of installation and upgrade information, a brief tutorial, and short descriptions of features. All that information is in the new manual and much more. The total page count increased from 38 to 179! The feature descriptions have been moved to a reference section in the back of the manual. The bulk of the document is now a set of task focused sections. This new manual should be much more helpful to newcomers to MacFamilyTree.
Launch your copy to get the update.
I have been using Reunion, by LeisterPro, for ever, even when Leister had a PC and Mac Platform. My wife bought me an ITOUCH for Christmas. I wanted it in order to use MacFamilyTree on my Mac Mini and MobileFamilyTree on my ITouch and not have to tote a laptop when I went to research outside my home. I have purchased MacFamilyTree and MobileFamilyTree, imported a 62,000 + person Gedcom into MFT, but have been unable to save the data. I get an error message revealing the PID that MFT hangs on. I open the GEDCOM and found the PID nad a “Nick” name attached and I use quotes to highlight the “Nick” name. I removed the Quotes, re-entered the gedcom and could not save this data as well, I re-opened the gedcom in a word format and found that it was hanging at the next PID that I use quotes to highlight the “Nick” name. I have contacted Synium, sent the gedcom in question before Christmas and have not gotten an answer from Mendel. I own nearly every genealogy program available and have settled on Reunion for Mac and Legacy for the PC.
Any Idea as to why I can't load and save a GEDCOM.
I can populate MFT manually, not using quotes, and can save the data.
Thank you in advance
Jim Townsend