It’s hard to believe that a report of all individuals in your tree wasn’t already in Family Tree Maker! Ancestry has corrected this oversight in FTM 2012.
Now you can print a report listing the persons in your tree. It can be all of them, but doesn’t have to be.
You can make a report listing the immediate family of a person. The selected can be changed by using the pedigree navigation bar at the top of the screen.
The index of individuals report can also be made to list selected individuals. This works just like on other reports.
The report lists individuals in rows with their name and birth, marriage, and death dates in columns.
And don’t miss out on the pre-sale. The special pricing ends September 28th.
to print Family tree maker Index of Individuals select:
then sort report by name order, select “NONE” for first name and last name in alpha order by last name
I have done my family report, have page numbers but can not figure out how to get an index of book or get a table of contents