I asked for feedback from the MacGenealogists who ordered the first CD. Many of those who had received them responded in comments on the article or in personal emails to me. Thank you all for your input. Some have yet to have a look at their CD, but offered to give me feedback when they do. Thank you all in advance. All the feedback has been helpful in identifying improvements for future volumes.
The most common improvement request was to make a CDs that are program specific (i.e. all Reunion 9 for Mac, or iFamily for Leopard, or MacFamilyTree) while also including generic topics like the finder and such. I’ll do this next time, so volume 2 will be focused on Reunion 9.
I’m considering putting larger versions of the videos on the CD. The size of the videos I publish to this site is 720 x 450. I’m thinking of putting 1080 x 676 (50% bigger) videos on the CD. This would make the detail in the video more prevalent. I’d love it if you’d share your thougts on the matter in a comment on this article.
I’d also like to hear from those of you who chose not to buy a copy. What would it take to make it valuable enough to you that you buy one? What kept you from ordering? I’m going to send a free copy of the volume 1 CD to someone who didn’t order, but leaves a comment about why. Make sure you’re registered on the site or fill out the email address field when you comment so that I can contact you if I choose you as the winner of the free CD.
You ask why I didn't buy the CD. . . well, for the obvious reasons. One previously unpublished item, especially one not specific to Reunion, didn't seem enough of an attraction. For the rest, my internet connection is fast enough and I religiously read all your screencasts as they come out. They are very good. I practise using anything that may be new to me, and don't feel I need a CD for revision. I would certainly buy it as a gift for others if I had a recipient in mind.
Some reasons I didn't buy a CD:
• I'm half Scottish;
• I think I already know everything;
• I only use Reunion 9, so didn't see any value in paying for items about iFamily or MacFamilyTree (see point 1 above);
• I already have my own filing system and aren't about to change to a different one;
• I'm heavily invested in my way of doing things already with my 2 databases of 18,000 people and 80,000 people, so aren't about to change my methods en masse because I see something in a video;
• I don't have a slow connection (see advertisement on right side of this page) – my 6 MBit DSL connection can bring in movies and screen casts just fine;
• I'm half Scottish.
Why I didn't buy the CD (although I almost did, and still might): I thought a long time about purchasing one (I really enjoy your screencasts). But I also thought about all the things I've bought for my genealogy collection and how I don't use them after awhile. I guess this day in age, with the economy and all, one has to be very careful with what they purchase. Again, I really enjoy your screencasts-they are so informative and you are so clear in your explanations-thank you. I really would hate to see them stop for any reason…
The larger videos would certainly be nice. Maybe also folders such as Reunion, iFamily, etc. That would make it easier to find specific software videos on the CD. I am so glad I have the CD. In March my sister-in-law and I are delivering a presentation on genealogy software to a genealogy group. She has a PC and uses Legacy and also has Family Tree Maker, her main one being Legacy. While I have the two other featured Mac applications, my main use is on Reunion 9. Because of the presentation I'm going back through your videos and refreshing my knowledge of iFamily and MacFamily Tree. In this case, it is great to have your videos all on one CD.
The type is far too small on my iMAC, so it must be enlarged to read comfortably. And increasing the type size does not increase the video size which is small if not smaller.
I think to offer an example of one of the subjects in the video would be helpful. Seeing is worth a thousand words. You could do it like “Apple News” tips. I would also like to have an all Reunion 9 CD (i.e. how to send gedcom's for either Mac or PC users.
The videos are well done and helpful.
Some kind of indexing system is needed on the CD. If i wanted to know how to do something that was contained in one of the videos, but the title gave me no clues, I could waste a lot of time hoping it might be there somewhere.
And yes, a program specific CD would be excellent.
Also include any text that relates to the specific video.
Those who feel they already know too much don't have to visit your site. Meanwhile you are generously providing a valuable service to many. Thank you!
I would definitely be interested in a Video based on one piece of software, particularly iFamily
I didn't order your first cd because I wasn't interested in all the programs, only Reunion 9. I love your clips and watch every one that concerns Reunion. Thank you for your great work.
I'm not sure I understand what you mean by offering an example of one of the subjects. Please help me by describing what a good solution would look like.
Thanks for your input!
Thank you for the feedback Michael.
I think you already know everything too, Roger. At least it seems so when I consider the many useful comments and suggestions you've made here.
Thanks for the thought provoking feedback Michelle.
I'll offer a long-term money back guarantee with future volumes. In fact, I'll make it retro active for buyers of the first volume. Mail me the CD with a copy your receipt within one year of purchase and I'll refund the price of the CD.
How's that?
Ruby, thanks for your feedback. I appreciate the input from those like you, who bought the first volume.
Paul, the next volume will have 50% larger videos than the online versions. This will result in larger, more legible text. I can't put these larger videos on the web site as I'm already running into space limitations and many people would have trouble loading the files.
Thanks for sharing your experience with the current videos.
Thanks for the feedback Donde. I'll figure out a way to make the content more easily identifiable.
This is the most frequently requested item so you can be sure that the next volume will be focused on just one genealogy database application.
Thank you for the feedback Shirley!
A short video like Quick Tips on Apple Hot News would be a sample.
I’m not familiar with Apple Hot News.
I’m having difficulty understanding why samples are needed when nearly all of the videos on the CD are available on the website. What am I missing?