Over time, no matter how careful you have been, you’ll end up with relatives in your genealogy database that are not connected to any other person. This is called an unlinked person in RootsMagic 3. You ought to periodically check for this situation. Fortunately, the software provides a way to identify them and then deal with them.
This video will take you through all the steps. Play it side-by-side with RootsMagic and follow along. You may want to back up your family file first.
I was checking out your new PCgenealogist site, and clicked the video for Nov. 21 – for unlinked people in RootsMagic3 — well, it turned out the link went to MacGenealogist and Reunion. Just thought you would want to know, if you haven't heard already, to relink it.
You are doing a great job! Ed Deane
Dear Ed, thank you for the heads up and the feedback. The link is
fixed now. How embarrasing!
I cant find “Post script Custom ” inthe page set up drop down menu. I've tried selecting “custom” and amending to post script custom subsequently in Printer/properties/ advanced but I still get individual pages in the final PDF file. I'd be grateful for any help. Thanks