It’s sometimes helpful to have a chart showing an ancestor and only those descendants in a direct line of descent to another person. There is a descendant chart in genealogy software Family Tree Maker, but before FTM 2012 it included all of the descendants of the selected ancestor.
Family Tree Maker 2012 introduced an option on the descendant chart that enables you to focus the list of included descendants on just those in one line of descent.
This video shows you how to set up a descendant chart to include only those people in a direct line of descent.
And don’t miss out on the pre-sale. The special pricing ends September 28th.
Great FTM videos, thanks! Have you had an opportunity to see the Mac version of FTM 2012? If so, has the speed improved at all compared to initial Mac version? I had great hopes for it but stuck with Reunion after being disappointed.
Also, although you’ve probably answered this elsewhere, is the feature set for Mac 2012 the same as that for Windows 2012?
The Skiffe & Mayhew branches of my family tree have two lines of descent. Matthew Mayhew is my 8th great grandfather AND my 8th great uncle. How can I show this on Family Tree Maker?