Having photos in your Reunion 9 family file does more than make them available for reports and charts. It also adds flavor and context when looking at family cards. As you can see from the image below, seeing photos brings a family card and one’s family history to life.
In this first screencast in a series, I walk you through the different ways of adding and removing photos in Reunion 9 for Mac as well as giving some background information, pointers, and a solution to a common problem. So grab some family history photos and scan them if they aren’t already, launch Reunion, navigate to the appropriate family card, then play this video from the MacGenealogist Archives: How to Add Photos and Other Media in Mac Genealogy Software Reunion 9, and follow along.
As always, an excellent screencast. Am I correct in my understanding that there is no way of displaying “family” pictures on the Family Card or in reports and charts? If I am wrong, I would certainly appreciate this being covered in one of your screencasts, because this has always been a 'puzzlement' to me.
If I am correct in this, is the only value of placing a photo in the “family” multimedia file is to have a place to store family photos?
Thanks again, Ben.
Media stored in the family part of the Multimedia window will appear as linked to Web Cards – represented by an icon next to the marriage information on the Web Card. See
for example.
Warren, as you've discovered, family pictures are an under utilized feature in Reunion 9. In addition to their appearance on web cards as noted by Roger, they can appear in sildeshows. I'm not aware of any way to include them in reports and charts. They seem an natural for the family history report at a minimum.
Thanks for the comment.
Now here's an oddity about the RSS feed for this – the RSS feed for the comment has the link as represented above – it ending with /wc01… but it's not a valid link so you can't get to the page directly from the RSS feed as I read it in Mail – the link points to lisaandroger.com/WebCardsMediaSample/wc01… rather than to the full link.
I wish there was some way that ALL photographs in thumbnail size could be shown attached to the family card instead of just the preferred photograph. I believe some of the popular Windows genealogical software does offer this feature. Maybe I'm lazy, but I'd like to see everything I have in a multimedia file for an individual or family without going directly to the file.
Ruby, it would be nice to be able to create a custom view containing all the thumbnails for a person and or family. As you've noted, we're limited to viewing the preferred photo (or not) on the family card. Fortunately the multimedia button is right there on the toolbar. It will show all the photos as thumbnails. If you'd rather keep your fingers on the keyboard there is a “letter key shortcut” that will open the multimedia window for the current family card. Press “m” twice then press the return key.
I knew you would have some answers. The shortcut to the multimedia is good to know.
I currently have all my “family” pictures connected via the Multimedia window to my Surnames file. Is it possible to have iMedia the browser rather than the Reunion multimedia window, or will I have to remove them and attach them via iMedia?
Some of the photos of folks that I put in my multimedia file show up as partials. That is, some are fine, but others I only get part of the photo, like the photo is too large for the allowed area. Can't find a common denominator. All my files are tiff. Have also tried decreasing file size…no luck. The photo is ok when I make a chart, but has this problem in the person card. Left this same comment on the Reunion talk forum but got no responses. Any help would be appreciated.
Ralph, thanks for the question. Email me an image (I give the address at the end of each screencast) that causes the symptoms you describe as well as one that doesn't and I'll take a look.