You may be surprised by the number of different ways you’ve entered the same place-name in your Reunion 9 for Mac family file. This is especially true if you don’t routinely check for and correct duplicate place-names. I recommend putting this on your calendar to do periodically just like checking for “unlinked people.”
In this video from the MacGenealogist Archives, I show you my method for locating and correcting duplicate place-names: Finding and Correcting Duplicate Place Names in the Reunion 9 for Mac Genealogy Software. As you’ll see, it’s easier to spot the duplicates the way I do it when compared to only using the places list. It works if you have 2000 or fewer place-names in your family file. If you have more than that use the places list as I demonstrate early in the screencast.
Hehe – this video contained a great example of why trying to force place names to be entered as 4 different entities doesn't always work – I noticed in the list that someone who had an event in
, , , England
was born in
Pentrich, Derbyshire, , England
Now the inference from this is that Derbyshire is not one of the largest sub-divisions of England, since that position is empty – but rather that Derbyshire is a part of some un-named entity/division that is bigger than Derbyshire, but smaller than England.
And just a small caveat too – the List ——> Places in Reunion, even with all boxes checked doesn't include any Family Events apart from Marriage – so places for Divorce, Separation and any Custom Events that you might have created (I have custom events for Banns placed, Alternate marriage date, 2nd marriage if a couple had 2 weddings, and a few others) are NOT included in this list. They do go into the Speed Names list however.
Thanks for reminding me of a “chore” I've long needed to do. Will get mine together right now…. I've also long wanted to add the place-holder commas. so I'll combine the two as I go….
When editing place names, copy the desired name to the clipboard. Then, when editing the other variants, select all in the Edit dialogue and Paste. Faster, and reduces the risk of typing errors compared to correcting the variants by simply typing.
Sure it does. That's why I use that file for many of my examples. It was created from someone else's GEDCOM and it's LOADED with problems!
What is the “Sure it does” referring to?
I'm sorry Roger. I see that my reply wasn't clear. I was referring to your initial observation.
Thanks for the additional information about places for the family events that are not included in the Places List.
Excellent tip–thanks!
I'm trudging thru over 5000 place names that are in frightful disarray. I have come upoon something that is really working well for me. So many of my original entries into place names are not complete, town with no county for example. If I open up Wikipedia and type in the town & state I get a county name right at the beginning, plus a state map & location of the county within the state … many helpful bits that would have helped so much when years ago I was doing all this place name entering. Might be helpful to someone else.