One of the many MacGenealogists who shared with me their genealogy problems (thank you all!) asked me a question, but didn’t leave an email address so that I could answer directly. I’ll answer here so that I can close the loop and perhaps enlighten others.
My most bothersome issue is, and I would love it if there is already an answer, how can I tab backwards through fields in Reunion. I.E. I tab once too many times while entering data, and need to go back. I interrupt my rhythm and have to pick up the mouse and click on a previous box.
There’s a standard key sequence on the Mac (as well as Linux and Windows for that matter) that moves the cursor backward between fields: shift-tab. Hold down your shift key while pressing the tab key. That will move you back through a series of fields that can be tabbed through, for example the Edit Person dialog in Reunion 9 for Mac.
Thanks again to those who answered my survey. I appreciate all the thought provoking problem descriptions and questions. They will help me develop new ways to help you do this work we all love so much. If you haven’t added your genealogy problems and or questions to the mix, there’s still time. Click here to take the extremely short survey.
I couldn’t get that shift/tab thing to work! Is there a further secret to it?
Hi, Martha.
I’m thinking of what I didn’t communicate well and am reminded of why I chose to teach most of my material through video screencasts. Maybe I should make a video for this instead of relying on my writing ability. 😉
Do you have your cursor in an edit field when pressing shift-tab? What screen are you trying it on?