I received an email from Software MacKiev yesterday announcing the availability of a free update to Family Tree Maker (FTM) 2019, bringing it to version 24.1 (build 520).
I was not notified of the update from within the app. You must click on the link in the email, portions of which are quoted below, and then verify your previous FTM 2019 registration. Make sure you enter the same email address that you registered with, even if it doesn’t exist anymore. You’ll have a chance to enter a different email address later in the process.
I have not checked any of the new or improved features yet, but I can confirm that the update installed successfully on macOS Monterey, to include converting trees, and that a previous problem with item count numbers appearing upside-down on the various tabs in the People workspace has been fixed. Without further ado, the relevant portions of the email are copied below.
From: Family Tree Maker
Date: August 11, 2022 at 4:26:47 PM CDT
To: Keith Riggle

Just to show that life can and must go on, our Family Tree Maker development team in Ukraine finished up a free FTM 2019 update, version 24.1. It has some nice new features, as well as security, speed and stability improvements that make this an update for all users. Cropped profile pictures can now be synched with your Ancestry tree and vice versa. There are some handy additions like an option to set the default workspace so Family Tree Maker opens in any workspace you choose. But the coolest new feature is Smart Weather Sentences™ which puts a billion weather records from our Historical Weather® database into plain English that you can just drop right into your Smart Stories™ and books. Click here to pick up your free update to version 24.1 today.
The TreeVault Emergency Tree® restore service keeps an up-to-the-minute cloud copy of your tree.
When you install the free 24.1 update, you’ll then be able to include your entire media collection in the up-to-the-minute TreeVault cloud copy of your tree – a copy which will now include all the changes made to your media too. For example, if you edit a photo using Family Tree Maker’s Photo Darkroom® those changes will be backed up as well. And with your complete tree all continuously backed up in one place, the TreeVault Emergency Tree service can restore your entire tree if disaster strikes – photos, voice recordings, videos, documents and all. To include media in your TreeVault cloud backup, just install the free 24.1 update. The next time you launch version 24.1 and are logged into TreeVault, you’ll get an offer to upgrade your TreeVault subscription to a “Media Plus” plan. Or, if you prefer, you can upgrade anytime, even right now, in the TreeVault Subscription Center.
Voices of Children, a local Ukrainian charity, provides art therapy sessions for children traumatized by war.
We’d like to introduce you to a very special organization, Voices of Children, a Ukrainian local charity which was founded in 2015. What Voices of Children do is nothing short of magical. Using art therapy and a dedicated team of more than 50 Ukrainian child psychologists, they are helping hundreds of children cope with the trauma of war by putting their emotions, experiences, fears and dreams into artwork. We are donating computers, iPads and our company’s KID PIX® creativity software for them to use in their art therapy programs for kids. And we are donating 10% of every purchase you make this week in our Update Center to Voices of Children as well. Click here to read more about Voices of Children’s art therapy initiatives in Ukraine.
Thanks Keith
I received my email this morning. Suspicious of a Russian havk of something Ukrainian provenance, I double checked on my Windows FTM2019 software. The update tab took me to the MacKiev website and so relieved to know you hot it too.
Thank you so much for letting us know about this update! I had not received an email yet (perhaps I will in the future). This allowed me to update sooner.
Yes, thanks for the heads up, Keith!
I am still using the old FTM version 16. Can that be successfully updated? If so please explain.
Theoretically, yes. Per the Family Tree Maker support pages, “.FTW or .FBK files from Family Tree Maker versions 5 – 16 can be imported directly into Family Tree Maker versions 2008-2019 and do not require any prior conversion.” So if you were to buy the latest version, FTM 2019, it should be able to open your FTM 16 files and convert them to the new format.
Thank you so much.
Off the subject but what do you make of the new FamilySearch Gedcom 7 please?
Thank you,
I haven’t looked at it in any detail yet. If it does what it says it does, it could be an improvement:
• Clarify ambiguities in the specification.
• Simplify implementations by removing special-case handling.
• Modernize character encoding, length restrictions, and specification wording.
• Introduce semantic versioning (see https://semver.org/).
• Add better multimedia handling, negative assertions, and rich-text notes.
• Add support for common extensions to 5.5.1.
• Provide tools for better interoperability of extensions.
But until the major software developers and family tree websites adopt it, it doesn’t really matter, and I haven’t heard of anyone adopting it yet.
MacFamilyTree V.10 says it has support for GEDCOM 7, Keith but, as we’ve seen, that’s pretty much irrelevant given their increasingly poor adherence to GEDCOM standards.
If you do not have your original receipt you will not get the free update
it will cost you £57.