Perspective events are a feature in genealogy software in Reunion for Mac. They can be used to give you and your family a historical context in timeline charts and the ages list. Best of all, you can easily create your own event sets!
If the event sets that are included with Reunion 9 for Mac and the extra sets Leister Productions makes available as a free download don’t provide the historical perspective you desire for your family history research, follow along with this video. In it I show you where perspective events can be used and how to create your own custom event sets.
Don’t like an entry in an event set? Is there an event missing? Want to bring a perspective event set up to date? After following along with this video you’ll be able to modify perspective event sets too!
Download a copy of the Michigan history event set I use in this video from the MacGenealogist Archives. It is part of the GenealogyTools Reunion for Mac Perspective Event Archive. Download the file, extract it, then copy the contents into the following folder:
~/Library/Application Support/Reunion/Perspective Events
What event set can you make and share?
Ben says
TextEdit doesn’t work well for this task since the introduction of autosave and versioning in Mac OS X Lion. You won’t be able to save the file with the required .pEvents filename extension. I recommend either of two options:
1. Use TextEdit as usual, saving the file as either rich text format (.rtf) or plaintext (.txt) then change the filename extension using the Finder (you’ll have to rename the file any time TextEdit saves the file–even autosaves :()
2. Get and use a proper text editor; I the recommend excellent and free TextWrangler (download) or from the AppStore
Maureen says
When I try to open the Michigan history.pEvent, it says it is an invalid file format. I had previously download all the Leister had at the time, suppose I cannot use any of them anymore. 🙁
Ben says
It’s working for me. Tell me more about what you’re doing and what happens.