For those of you using this fine PC genealogy software on your Mac, I bring you good news. The “community preview” phase that I have been covering on our sister site,, has ended. While that in itself is good news, even better is that the public beta phase has begun. If you’d like to get your hands on it, you can sign up here.
RootsMagic 4 Public Beta Opens
The “community preview” of RootsMagic 4 that I have been participating in and bringing glimpses of, has ended. The public beta phase has opened, so if you’re interested in getting your hands on it, you can sign up here.
MacFamilyTree Updated to 5.4
On Monday, Synium released an update to their Mac genealogy software, MacFamilyTree. This release, version 5.4, contains fixes, enhancements, and new features. Here’s the rundown from the software update window: [Read more…] about MacFamilyTree Updated to 5.4
The Problem with the Add Spouse Screencast is Fixed
Something went wrong with the rendering of the screencast causing the sound to drop out about half-way through. I re-rendered the file and all is well now. Please see the original post to view the video.
The Varied Ways to Add a Spouse in Reunion 9
Adding spouses is a common task undertaken with any genealogy software. It’s also one of the sources of dreaded duplicate records. Considering the frequency of use and the perils, it makes sense to take the time to understand the subtleties of how to add spouses in your genealogy program.
In the genealogy software, Reunion 9 for Mac, you can add new people as spouses (people for whom there is no record in the family file) or people for whom a record already exists in your family file. You can add a spouse to a family card where there is already a different spouse and to one where there is not. In combination there are four situations, all of which I cover in this video from the MacGenealogist Archives, Adding a Spouse in the Reunion for Macintosh Genealogy Software. I also show you how to add a same-gender partner.