If you’re interested or curious about what it’s like to use the Macintosh genealogy software Reunion 9 for Mac, you’ll like this video: A Brief Video Introduction to the Genealogy Software Reunion 9 for Mac. In it I demonstrate the metaphor used for the interface, adding and editing some people, creating a family group sheet, and generating a pedigree chart.
Keeping a Genealogy Task List, Part 2: TaskPaper
The first Mac task list software I have for your consideration is TaskPaper from Hog Bay Software. It is simultaneously a simple and powerful task manager. It meets both of the criteria I outlined in the first part of this series of articles, Keeping a Genealogy Task List, Part 1:
- Unobtrusive storage
- Simple, powerful retrieval
The developer has created an elegant design that enables entry of tasks in a natural way. Projects are inserted by typing a line of text followed by a colon. Tasks are lines of text preceded by a hyphen and a space. Anything else that’s typed is a note. It doesn’t get any easier than that. [Read more…] about Keeping a Genealogy Task List, Part 2: TaskPaper
Legacy Family Tree Updated to
The revision history lists the following changes:
13 March 2009 – Build
New Items
- Timelines – “Canada – Census”. A chronology of when the census was taken in Canada
- Timelines – “US – Oklahoma History”. History of Oklahoma, by M. La Nell Shores
- Timelines – “US States and Territories – Dates of Organization and Admission”.
Fixed Items
- SourceWriter – Fixed a run-time error 5.
- Ancestor Books – Fixed a problem where the header for the source section at the end of a generation would show the wrong person.
- Calendar Reports – Fixed an Error 3021, no current record.
- Picture Finder – Now finds all pictures.
- Publishing Center – Fixed a problem where the Table of Contents would overprint the title page or other preliminary page.
- Publishing Center – Individual and Family Group Record reports would produce two Name Indexes. Fixed.
Free Ancestry.com Resource Essentials CD
I got a nice little package in the mail today. The Generations Network sent me a package that is the “first in a list of upcoming benefits” planned for for Ancestry.com World Deluxe Annual members. It’s a CD containing PDFs of six reference books produced by Ancestry.com and a 20% off coupon for my next purchase in the Ancestry Store. The coupon expires January 1, 2010. The “books” on the CD are nice to have: [Read more…] about Free Ancestry.com Resource Essentials CD
Citations Quick Reference from GeneaBloggers.com
Thomas MacEntee of GenealBloggers.com has published a one-sheet (front and back) quick reference for genealogical citation. It’s a handy PDF cheat sheet that’s just itchin’ to be laminated.