I’ve spent a year on MacGenealogist.com, creating over eighty free how-to videos for you. I’ve learned a bunch in the process and I know you have too, but there’s a question that’s been on my mind a lot lately. Knowing your answer will help me help you by setting my course for the next year. Would you please answer it for me?
Search Feature in MacFamilyTree 5.5
The last of the new features I want to show you in the recent MacFamilyTree release isn’t exactly a new feature. Synium re-wrote the search function for this version. In this video, Search in Macintosh Genealogy Software MacFamilyTree, I show you each of the four search screens (all, persons, families, and sources). I also point out a couple of gotchas to be aware of; don’t be fooled by the “all” search!
Adding a Spouse in Family Tree Maker 2009
Adding a spouse to a person’s record in your genealogy software is a very common task. In this video I show you click-by-click, how it’s done. This includes three ways to begin the process of adding a spouse, using the date calculator, and adding a source citation with an image of the record.
[Read more…] about Adding a Spouse in Family Tree Maker 2009
MacFamilyTree Version 5.5 Released
The Mac genealogy software MacFamilyTree has completed beta and version 5.5 is released! Here’s what’s new in this version according to Synium: [Read more…] about MacFamilyTree Version 5.5 Released
Creating a Perspective Event Set for Reunion for Mac
Perspective events are a feature in genealogy software in Reunion for Mac. They can be used to give you and your family a historical context in timeline charts and the ages list. Best of all, you can easily create your own event sets!
If the event sets that are included with Reunion 9 for Mac and the extra sets Leister Productions makes available as a free download don’t provide the historical perspective you desire for your family history research, follow along with this video. In it I show you where perspective events can be used and how to create your own custom event sets.
Don’t like an entry in an event set? Is there an event missing? Want to bring a perspective event set up to date? After following along with this video you’ll be able to modify perspective event sets too!
Download a copy of the Michigan history event set I use in this video from the MacGenealogist Archives. It is part of the GenealogyTools Reunion for Mac Perspective Event Archive. Download the file, extract it, then copy the contents into the following folder:
~/Library/Application Support/Reunion/Perspective Events
What event set can you make and share?