In case you missed it (because the RootsMagic News screen is disabled), an update to RootsMagic was released on July 10th. This brings the version number of this leading PC genealogy software to
The update includes some new features and some fixes.
- Added a feature to fix broken media / image links (in the media gallery/album do Tools > Fix broken media links)
- Added the ability to enter Helper mode for another person when using the NFS features
- Added life span (birthyear-deathyear) to parents and children’s spouses in group sheets
- Deleting a fact will now remove the shared copies of that fact instead of leaving phantom witness records (Note: we are still working on a way to delete any pre-existing phanton witness records)
- Edit source screen displays Call# in right panel if one exists
- Shouldn’t sometimes change family in family and descendant view when adding a child
- Double clicking a citation when the citation manager is opened from Explorer now opens Edit Source screen
- Box charts now include prefix and suffix on names
- FTM import now preserves nicknames entered with quotes like William “Bill” Jones
Oh, and in case you want to enable the RootsMagic News Screen display upon startup, here are the steps:
- Select “Tools” -> “Program Options…” from the menu
- In the “General” pane, click the box next to “Display news screen” if it isn’t already checked
- Click the “OK” button