The census source type in genealogy software Reunion for Mac includes only a few of the fields genealogy expert Elizabeth Shown Mills recommends in her book, “Evidence Explained:Citing History Sources from Artifacts to Cyberspace 2nd Edition” and her very handy, laminated Quicksheet for Citing Online Historical Resources
. Following her suggested full reference format for census images from online sources helps you and other genealogists find the cited source record in the future. These are the fields recommended for a full reference citation of a census image from an online commercial site:
[Read more…] about Creating a Census Image Source Type in Reunion for Mac Sweepstakes for WDYTYA Season 2 announced a sweepstakes to accompany season two of their popular genealogy TV show, “Who Do You Think You Are?” They call it the “Ultimate Family History Journey Sweepstakes.” The grand prize is $20,000 in travel money, 8 hours of consultation with an expert genealogist, and a one-year World Deluxe membership for the winner and 5 family members.
Click here to enter the sweepstakes. You can enter once per day through April 8th. Good luck!
MacFamilyTree Updated to 6.0.11
There’s a new update available for the genealogy software, MacFamilyTree. If you’re uploading to or doing web exports this one will be of interest to you. Launch the application to get the update.
RootsMagic 4 on Your Mac
Last week there was a post on the RootsMagic blog about running RootsMagic 4 on a Mac. I’ve had this topic on my list of future videos for a while and this post pushed it to the top.
As the post says, there are a few options for running RootsMagic on your Mac. You can use a virtual PC program like Parallels Desktop or VMware Fusion, but those require you to buy and install a copy of Windows. Another option is to use the Windows emulator called Wine. I prefer a re-packaged version of Wine produced by CodeWeavers, called CrossOver Mac. It’s much easier to install! For only $39.95 you can run some Windows applications like RootsMagic on your Mac without the expense of Windows.
If you’ve wanted to run RootsMagic or are interested in checking out this fantastic genealogy software on your Mac, download the RootsMagic trial version and CrossOver Mac trial version, then follow along with this video which walks you through the fifteen minute installation of CrossOver Mac and RootsMagic 4.
[Read more…] about RootsMagic 4 on Your Mac
Family Tree Maker 2010 for Mac Version Released
Launch your copy of Family Tree Maker for Mac to get the latest update. It’s apparently loaded with undisclosed bug fixes and enhancements. Here’s what the upgrade dialog lists:
- Numerous stability fixes were made
- Child sort order is shown correctly in reports
- Added support for GEDCOM 5.5.1
- Numerous other fixes and enhancements
It’s unfortunate when professional software developers can’t or won’t provide detailed lists of fixes and enhancements. Ancestry is not alone in this and there are some companies who do this well (like RootsMagic). While it’s good to know that GEDCOM 5.5.1 is supported and that the child sort order is fixed in reports, it’s of virtually no help at all to know that “numerous” stability fixes and enhancements are in a release. Come on! You know what they are and if you don’t you shouldn’t be publishing software. Please list them so that we can see if the problem fixes or features we desire are present in updates to our genealogy software.