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Video Maintenance Complete
You know how those time consuming housekeeping tasks can pile up on you? Well, over the past few days I’ve cleaned up a big pile. Eliminating this pile cleared up two problems:
- Over time I’ve tried providing the videos on GenealogyTools a few different ways. This inconsistency has bothered me and I fear may have caused confusion for you.
- The software I use to record videos has undergone several major updates since I began. The older files needed to be upgraded to the newest formats to avoid losing the ability to work with them in the future.
I’ve re-rendered all of the nearly 200 videos on and edited all the associated articles to make the videos available the same way. A side-effect of this is that I made the videos from the Archives viewable on the site for everyone.
I settled on using the latest web technology, HTML5. This makes the videos viewable on all the major browsers and devices without requiring additional software. The one exception is Firefox on Mac OS X; you’ll need to use Safari or Chrome on Mac OS X.
I hope that my investment of countless hours in cleaning up this pile pays off for you. If nothing else, it enables me to give clear tips like this: to make it easier to see all the details in a video, make it full screen by clicking the control in the bottom right corner of the video.
Site Downtime on March 30th will be unavailable for 6 to 24 hours beginning Monday, March 30th at 8:00 pm EDT.
This is so I can make a change required to offer memberships using a credit card instead of PayPal.
Practical Citation Now Available on Kindle
This morning I published on Kindle, “Practical Citation, A Guide to Simply and Safely Recording Sources and Citations.” Three editions are currently available: Reunion 10, Family Tree Maker 2014, and Family Tree Maker 3 (Mac).
Find them easily through my author page on Amazon US. The ebooks are also available through Amazon in other countries.
Even if you don’t have a Kindle, iPad, or other compatible device you can read the ebook. You simply download free Kindle reader software for your computer.
If you’d rather have a copy you can print you could join the Practical Citation community at Membership comes with PDF copies of all editions of the guide.
The RootsMagic 7 and Family Historian 6 editions will be available soon.
Free DNA Kit with 6-Month Subscription
Want a free Ancestry DNA kit and don’t have an subscription? Ancestry is now offering a
Free DNA kit with 6-month subscription.